Our love affair with Rachelle Rowlings grows stronger with every one of her endearing
(and hilariously ‘real’) instagram captions and images of her son Roman – or The Lord Commander!

This Mother’s Day, we wanted to get to know one of our favourite working mummas a little better...

What was your favourite moment of your first Mother’s Day?

Realising that apparently on Mother’s Day calories don't count ;) But mainly closing my eyes, smelling those little neck rolls and knowing that he’s mine, all mine.

What is the story behind your son Roman’s nickname, Lord Commander?

Something no one tells you about motherhood is that you give birth to a little Dictator; for as much love as they give you, they also boss you around without any holiday leave, no health benefits & expect very long hours with no overtime pay. And since we were locked indoors watching a worrying amount of
Game of Thrones, Lord Commander was born

What do you cherish most about mother-son time?

When he isn't trying to blind me with yoghurt, grated carrot or bath water, my favourite is when I am teaching him something, he watches me so intently, and mimics what I do. I stop & think, I am doing this, I am teaching this little human everything he knows about life. How magical is that.

What has surprised you most about motherhood??

That it isn't an Anne Geddes shoot - they move quick & can be violent and destructive. Also the emotion – no one can explain this love. Its like you grow a whole new heart because your own couldn't possibly hold that much love for your child.

What is the one piece of advice about motherhood you would like to pass on?

To never buy any outfits with press studs. Mainly to cherish every moment, no matter how exhausted
you are, because as your Mother would have said to you, it goes too quick.


Rachelle is...

a cook, cleaner, chauffeur, councillor...and Mumma!!

Who lives...

nowhere currently – house hunting for a family home.

But feels most at home...

wherever my husband & son are (and preferably where they sell baked goods).

In her spare time she…

what is spare time?

And one day she will...

sit in silence without stopping a 1-year-old rolling off the lounge, climb the dishwasher or ride the dog.

Her motto to live by is...

are you going to eat that? ;)

But really...

home is where the heart is, family is everything in this world.

You can follow her...

most days to the bakery, or on instagram @rachelle.rowlings