In a time where it's acceptable to wear anything from boudoir-inspired elegance to a pair of your boyfriend’s jeans, most of us find ourselves becoming kindred spirits with minimal accessories; and when worn with confidence, they are always effortlessly sexy.

As part of our 20th birthday collection, our latest fine jewellery pieces feature a lock + key motif designed to inspire a sense of mystery and elegance. The key to a secret club, a hidden door or to a heart? Fall in love with the collection… or leave this post “unattended” for your significant other to see before February 14th rolls around.

Layer them, treasure them and live in them. 

We enlisted fashion blogger Kirsten Anderton's effortlessly "pared-down" style to road test our
Unlocked Collection.

"The finer things in my life are encompassed by hours spent beside my love, getting lost in my own city, that old pair of jeans that nothing can replace and sharing stories and secrets over a glass of champagne. It is finding delicate and classic pieces such as those from the "Unlocked" collection that are versatile for any occasion, whether paired with a crisp white shirt and boyfriend jeans or worn with a simple little black dress." (Hello Valentine's Day date night!)

the finer things

Rising early before anyone else is awake

Spending time with those I love

Boyfriend jeans that fit just-right

Fresh sheets

Endless glasses of champagne

Follow Kirsten on Instagram