Unite - Meet Shaneiva Chatfield

At MIMCO, we're dedicated to empowering all women—and we believe that the right accessories can help you take on the world.

That's why, in line with the launch of our latest collection, we partnered with five trailblazing young changemakers who are paving the way for a better, brighter future.

Meet Shaneiva Chatfield

Indigenous artist.

Mimco New Arrivals
Mimco New Arrivals

With a passion for storytelling, Shaneiva uses her art to stay connected to her culture and trigger important conversation around the issues that affect her community.

Here, she opens up about her life and her work.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

“I’m a proud Kamilaroi woman and I’m passionate about continuing the legacy of my ancestors. Being a young Indigenous artist is a huge responsibility to keep my culture alive and to break the stigma of what it means to be an indigenous woman in today’s society. It’s about reviving the stories that may have been lost along the way and showing the beauty of Aboriginal culture.”

Why did you want to become an artist?

“From a very young age I used to watch my dad paint – it’s a tradition that’s been passed down. Growing up in a white society I found it difficult to feel connected to my culture, so it was hard trying to find that sense of identity. My art is not only my voice, it’s my therapy. It’s my way of recentering myself and staying connected to who I am and where I come from.

“A huge part of Aboriginal culture is through story-telling – whether it’s through dance, art, rituals or ceremony… for me my art is a bridge between two worlds that don’t quite understand each other yet. I want to use my art as a way to reconcile Australia and bring people together.”

What do you hope people will take away from your work?

“When people look at my work, I hope that it triggers really important conversation that’s needed in Australia, especially with the issues that affect Aboriginal communities. I want people to walk away knowing that they have a role to play and that we all have something to bring.”

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

“The best piece of advice I’ve ever received was from my dad when I was younger. I was getting ready for a ballet concert and I was so stressed about falling on stage. But I remember my dad comforting me and saying, ‘If you fall, you just get back up’, and I think there’s a strong message behind that. Not being afraid to fall or have setbacks. For every setback there’s a bigger comeback.”

What is your hope or vision for women in the future?

“In the future I want to see women coming together and uniting as one. Forming a sisterhood. I want to see women being proud of who they are and where they come from. Remembering that we have the power to make change in the world. Don’t sit back and wait for a revolution – I truly believe that we are the revolution. We are the change of tomorrow.”

Shop the Unite collection, as seen on Shaneiva Chatfield

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Mimco New Arrivals
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Mimco New Arrivals
Mimco New Arrivals
Mimco New Arrivals
Mimco New Arrivals