20 Questions with...
31 Jan 2016
Endlessly talented and one of the most likable humans on the planet, Australian fashion photographer Christian Blanchard has a passion for creativity, bringing to life multiple MIMCO campaigns including this season’s 20th Birthday collection, The Montage.
Here's 20 things you should know about the man behind the lens…

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Breathe. There are so many things on my mind when I wake up every morning that I pull myself back and take a few moments to become self aware.
What song best describes your current mood?
Suffering, The War On Drugs
I am training for several Half Ironman triathlons this year and a large portion of training is focused on mental toughness and the psychology of suffering. “Everyone feels pain but not everyone suffers” is a mantra my brother shared with me that I reflect on every day.
Which MIMCO campaign has been your favourite to shoot?
Code Afriquette with Ajak Deng. It was such a fun filled few days where all the elements aligned and the results looked amazing. This was the second time shooting Ajak for MIMCO and the location was such a surreal environment to work with.

What’s the thing you love most about what you do?
Specifically on shoots I love seeing new places and photographing new faces. The exploration of foreign territory and people is such a thrill but I also love giving back through education. It is a privilege to find what you love doing and actually be doing it so I take any opportunity to share my passion with others.
What made you want to become a photographer?
My high school teacher opened my eyes to the world of photography and it was love at first sight with no looking back. My early influencers were Richard Avedon, Helmut Newton, David Bailey and Guy Bourdin.
What’s been the most incredible moment in your career so far?
Amazing experiences have included shooting Tara Palmer Tompkinson in Bali and a weeklong shoot on a remote island in Sicily. However the most rewarding moment would have to be the creation of my first exhibition, Spirit Queen, with Bec Cole. There is nothing more stressful than a self funded personal project but it is bitter sweet as the reward of launch night is incredible.
How important is creativity to you?
Creativity is the single element that fuels the passion every day. It is the unknown aspect of any shoot that you have a little or a lot of input to influence how a shot will look and emote to the audience. Without creativity we are simply machine operators
How do you get inspired?
My inspiration comes from everywhere and everyone. I never stop looking at the world and find sources of inspiration from films, books, magazines, music, exhibitions and a whole lot of people watching.
What’s been your best birthday to date?
My 30th birthday in Bali was amazing. A week in tropical paradise lazing around at a stunning resort in Uluwatu with a cable car that takes you down to the beach. #heaven
Who do you most want to photograph/work with?
I am currently developing a charity project and if the stars align and I manage to secure all the people and organisations involved it will be my greatest project to date.

The best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
“Home is what you love. Through failure or success find your way back home as quickly as possible.”
- Elizabeth Gilbert
What’s one thing people would find surprising about you?
That I am way more of an introvert and than extrovert.
What was the best party you’ve ever been to?
The introvert says dinner parties with a handful of close friends. The extrovert says the after party to the launch of The Great Gatsby. It was a sensory overload that you come to expect from Catherine Martin’s stylistic aesthetic.
What’s the last film you watched?
Love, directed by Gaspar Noe.
Who’s your ultimate muse?
My muses tend to change frequently but at the moment I am obsessed with Stephanie Corneliussen. She is an amazing model from Denmark and a fantastic actress that I would love to photograph this year.
Sweet or savoury?
Sweet! I’m a proud dark chocoholic.
Morning or night?
Old me was night but new me is all about mornings to see in the new day.
More or less?
Less. Humankind’s obsession with more seems to be the cause of so much damage on Earth.
Classic or Modern?
Classic without a doubt. It has stood the test of time.
Old or new?
Old home, old music and the rest should be crisp and new.