20 Questions With...

Here at MIMCO, we like our campaign muses like we like our coffee; sweet, hot and bold.
And 20 years of MIMCO has offered us many audacious, daring and from time to time diva-esque muses. This season’s muse, Damaris Goddrie, answers all of our important (sort of) questions. 20 of them to be precise. Beyoncé or Rihanna? Watch and find out.

And we also threw in a few more for good measure…

What’s the last song you danced too?
It was something by Frank Ocean! 

What’s one thing people would find surprising about you?
I’m quite girly I think. I love to dress quite feminine.

What’s been your best birthday to date?
Definitely my 18th. I had an amazing time with my S.O. (Or for those of us who don’t speak 21st Century slang, that’s significant other!)

Can’t get enough of our fiery curly-haired muse? Catch more of Damaris on set in our
Behind the Scenes film.