Fashion illustrator Kerrie Hess is no stranger to creativity, having grown up with a mother who was a museum curator and avid sewer, and an equally talented sister who is also now an illustrator. Kerrie's work has featured in the pages of Vogue, Talter and Harper's Bazaar, and she has worked with countless luxury brands from Chanel to net-a-porter, however she remains perhaps the most grounded and genuine person we’ve ever had the pleasure of working with – thanks (in large part) to her happy family life and mother Jan.


The most valuable thing my mother has taught me is…
To just trust that you can do something even if it’s out of your depth and build your parachute on the way down.

The most rewarding thing about being a mother is…
Always being reminded to stay in the moment and enjoy it. My son sees beauty in so many little, daily things and that really reminds me to slow down, stop rushing and see those things too.

How has your mother inspired your own passion for creativity?
I can tell that she has always believed in herself and that has really spilled over to my life. I think it’s so important to believe in yourself as much as possible.

How important is it that your son can be creative as he grows up?
I’m super thrilled when he is in a creative environment but to be honest I’m happy for him to do whatever he wants to do. Whatever he loves is good for me.


As a mother I’ve learnt...
That the most important thing to me is my family.

The most rewarding thing about being mother is...
Watching my children grow, going through all the stages in life and celebrating what they’ve achieved.

How did you foster the creativity of your children as they were growing up?
Seeing both my daughters had talent when they were young, I took them to art lessons and also helped to inspire their work. As they got older, a school with great art teachers was important and I always encouraged them to further their passions in life with their creative work.

Were you also creative?
Yes, but in a different way. I loved sewing and I actually made wedding dressings before studying at university and becoming a museum curator, which I did for 13 years.