As fashion and textiles curator of the NGV, Paola Di Trocchio is one of the most creative and influential women in the Melbourne art scene. Her most recent undertaking – 200 years of Australian Fashion, is the largest collection of fashion history undertaken in this country – and is proudly supported by MIMCO (of course)! Paola’s own creativity was driven from a very young age by her supportive mother, Isa.


The most valuable thing my mother has taught me is…
To always give it a go and to find a way to make it work.

How has your mother shaped your creative passions?
She has just always been really creative herself and extremely supportive of my own creativity.

How important was creativity while you were growing up?
We were a very creative household, and it was mainly led by my mum who was always making, sewing, knitting, or crocheting. My passion around fashion was very much cross-generational. My mother and grandmother sewed, as did I, and all of my sisters, which gave us the opportunity to create whatever we wanted.


As a mother I’ve learnt...
That you just keep learning from your children. I’ve learnt so much from Paola about strength and resilience.

The most rewarding thing about being mother is…
Watching my three daughters grow into amazing, talented, warm, and loving adults who are the best women they could possibly be, has to be the most rewarding thing. And also feeling almost immortal, knowing that a little bit of me will keep going always with them and their families.