Respect. Inspire. Empower.
Three powerful words that can make an incredible difference when you're talking about gender equality. Our hope, is for them to #bepartofthechange

Sarah Staunton in her studio in Bondi, Australia

Artist Sarah Staunton, of Penheartspaper, has always held a strong affinity to “power words”; short, solo words that carry a lot of impact, much like the words at the heart of the
MIMCO x Our Watch Collection. Sarah’s beautiful original typography has been used across our campaign imagery and the swing tag of each of our pouches.

Being a survivor of domestic violence herself, Sarah’s involvement in our campaign was extremely personal and heartfelt. We asked Sara about her and her story and her feelings towards being a MIMCO x Our Watch ambassador.

What does it mean to you to be part of the MIMCO x Our Watch Campaign?

It means such a great deal and it is such an honour to be part of this life changing campaign - and for so many reasons. Not only does this campaign give me the opportunity to be part of the (much needed) change, it’s also self-healing in the way that I get to use my past experiences with gender inequality and domestic violence in a positive way that will support, inspire and empower others.

Was it an easy decision for you?

100% yes. The moment I was approached about the idea for the collaboration I felt and knew it was meant to be. I was in a pretty dark hole at the time - a major part of the darkness was due to issues from my past experiences with domestic violence that were never really dealt with - and it excited me to think I could use the darkness in my life to create new light; for myself, and others.

What does the word INSPIRE mean to you?

To me the word INSPIRE encourages the strengthening of others. It heartens us to think outside the square and seek new solutions - in every way. It really is a word with endless promise-filled opportunities.

Sarah Staunton writing the MIMCO x Our Watch campaign typography
in her studio in Bondi, Australia

What do you think is the most important thing to ensure people can speak up about family violence?

Safety. Which sounds obvious, but when you think about how many different ways safety can be created you realise how paramount it is. Being non-judgemental is creating safety. Being ready to listen without trying to take matters into your own hands is creating safety. Doing everything in your power to build as much trust as possible is creating safety. They’re some of the most commonly overlooked forms of safety, they’re also some of the most important forms of safety.

How has telling your story inspired you to move forward on your journey?

I haven’t completely (publicly) told my story yet, but I spent a lot of time healing last year and am now feeling recharged with a new and inspired energy, which has me looking forward to sharing more. I am a ‘helper’ and ‘fixer’ by nature, so knowing that something good can and will come out of my experience means that as I continue to move forward on my journey, I do so with a lighter and purpose filled heart.

What’s the story behind Penheartspaper?

I’ve always found writing to be therapeutic and the power of words to be so fascinatingly beautiful. I love how a little extra attention to a word can give it completely new life and evoke a multitude of feelings in others. Words are one of the most powerful connectors we have.

Penheartspaper started on Instagram in 2012 as a way of separating my scribes from my personal account (@seekerswooner) as every time I wrote and posted a quote I liked, I would have people asking me to write special things for them. So I decided to designate a space to my handwritten pieces where people could come and connect over a love for words.

As Penheartspaper grew my love for the art of connection grew. As my love for the art of connection grows I find myself more and more inspired to find new ways to create new connections. Watch this space...

I believe in the magic of kindness.
from @penheartspaper
Let's use our words to inspire and strengthen others.
from @penheartspaper

Where does the inspiration for the words you write usually come from?

The words I write always come from my feelings within. Which is why most things I post on social media come with a lengthy caption! I prefer to share pieces that encourage love and positivity (in any and every way), and I'll only ever share authentic moments - I’m very inspired by realness.

I’m also hugely inspired by ‘Power Words’. To me Power Words are words that everyone understands, words we see everyday, words we know so well and see so often that their power gets overlooked.

‘Pause’ is one of my favourite words&hellip. We see and say the word pause so frequently; every time we pick up the remote to pause whatever we’re watching for example. But how often do we actually pause and think about how much magic is actually in that little 5 letter word, and what we unlock and enable when we take that moment to pause and soak in our surroundings... I’ll leave that one with you.

How do you stay inspired?

That’s a bit of a hard question for me because I'm endlessly inspired - whether I want to be or not, ha. A few days ago I found myself inspired (and mesmerised) by a truck driving in front of me that had big clear containers of blue soap that would swish around and leave beautiful blue stains and patterns on the plastic as it dripped down. I guess I wasn’t always endlessly inspired though...

The more I became comfortable and confident with my true self, the more inspiration began to align itself with me. I allow myself to feel and get to know every moment and experience that enters my life without sweeping the not-so-pleasant ones under the rug. You have to be able to connect to be inspired... so I guess basically just being as true to myself as possible keeps the inspiration flowing.